Saturday, March 13, 2010

Third Eye Chakra and Creating Balance

Right now we are moving into that beautiful time of year called Spring, when new life begins to burst out everywhere. It is the time we all anticipate the blooming of flowers, the blossoming of trees, the green grass emerging from the ground. We observe the grace of nature as it simply allows the rhythms of life to move through it. There is a time of resting and retreating as the trees let go of their leaves and flowers and fruit and dig their roots in more deeply to prepare for the cold and darkness of Winter. And then comes Spring and a time to allow one's beauty and fruitfulness to burst out into the world. The full abundance of Summer arrives and that life and fruitfulness comes into its full maturity. Then we move into the Fall or Harvest time when the leaves begin to drop to the ground and preparations are made for that inner retreat once again. Such a beautiful natural flowing and miraculous process that just happens -- when we allow it.

Such is the beauty and power of the Third Eye Energy. It is about simply being and allowing. Sometimes we humans get so busy with "doing" and "shoulds" that we block the natural flow and rhythms of our lives. It is funny how we always trust the trees and flowers to come back to life after their winter retreat, but we tend not to trust that same process in ourselves. Somehow we often expect and demand "constant" fruitfulness from ourselves. Like the trees, we sometimes need to back away and retreat and other times we need to allow the bursting forth of our own beauty and glory and fruitfulness. It is the natural ebb and flow of life. Connecting with the Third Eye, which is the centre of Intuition, Inspiration and Higher Wisdom, we become more able to step back and allow life and the Creative Spirit to flow through us.

On Wed. Mar. 10, in our ongoing Journey Through the Chakras, we explored the Third Eye Energy and Qualities through Artwork, movement, visualization and journal writing. We explored how it would be to allow images to just come into our physical eyes (as opposed to always feeling like we have to send the energy from our eyes out there to search for the images. Our physical eyes are being stressed and overused in our present daily life and constant busyness. I saw (and experienced) shocking evidence of that during a time when I had some serious eye problems which required extensive surgeries and many many hours of waiting in the Eye Clinic. That Eye Clinic was always packed with people who also had serious eye problems. That, to me, says we are trying too hard to make things happen instead of simply trusting and allowing the natural flow of life and nature. Allowing life to flow through us, allowing images to come to us, taking the quiet time to allow our Inner Wisdom to guide us -- that is what takes the pressure off of the physical eyes and allows the Third Eye to open.

A lovely thing to think about and reflect upon is "What do you love to feast your eyes upon?" Or "What sights feel pleaurable to your eyes?"
(Pleasure is not just a Sacral Chakra quality. Every part of us, even our eyes, needs pleasure in order to be healthy and vibrant.)

Can you imagine allowing the beauty and pleasure of those sights you love to look at to just "fall into" your eyes? It is so important to feast our eyes on beauty and to allow that beauty to sink in through our eyes to fill every cell in our bodies. Just taking in. Allowing.

One of the participants in the class drew a lovely picture at the end of the class of people lying down in the grass with trees around them and the sun shining down on them. His comment on the picture he had drawn was "I don't need to always be busy and trying to do things. All I need to do is to allow the nice day to come to me." Such a simple, yet profound thought. Maybe all any of us really need to do is to "allow the nice day" to come to us.

Intuition, psychic abilities, Higher Wisdom -- all the qualities of the Third Eye Chakra are available to all of us -- if we can just let go of our busyness and allow space and time for those qualities to flow through us.

It is time for letting go and allowing.

I know we all have things that have to be done and places we have to go, but let's all take some time in this lovely spring season to just be. To sit in the park. To smell the flowers. To connect with the trees. And to just be. Nothing to do but take in the beauty and new life blossoming all around us.

Happy Spring!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Throat Chakra and the Creative Spirit

On Wed. evening the "Blue Bird of Happiness" flew into my energy field and I would love to share this beautiful and happy energy with all of you!

I have added a new element to my "Journey Through the Chakras" classes. We begin the class by doing some Artwork, or more accurately, allowing colours and shapes to fill our paper and we end the class the same way. By comparing the two pictures, we get a very accurate and always fascinating measure of where we are before fully experiencing the energy of the Chakra we are working with and where we're at after having done some movement, visualization, reflection and exploration of the qualities of the Chakra. It was in my second picture that the bluebird of happiness flew in! Interesting too because the colour of the Throat Chakra is blue.

On Wed. Mar, 3, I was preparing for the Throat Chakra class and a really wonderful insight came to me. I have always experienced the Throat Chakra as the energy centre through which the Soul can communicate and create and I was thinking about the Reflections on Soul that I was going to offer the participants of the class. But then I felt my own Soul nudging me and calling me inward to listen to its needs and desires. I tuned in and had a little dialogue with my Soul. I was exploring the questions of "How can I create a deeper connection with my Soul?" "How can I nurture my Soul more fully?" My Soul was very happy that I was tuning in and paying attention. It asked me to remember that it (my Soul) was part of the larger Divine Soul.

Every day I start my morning with a "grounding" exercise in order to ensure that my physical being is well rooted in Earth's energies. It had never before occurred to me that I needed to do a similar kind of grounding for my Soul My Soul has been crying out for reconnection to its Roots in Divine Soul. That is how it is nurtured and sustained. And from that larger connection, the Creative energy can flow into my individual Soul and express through me. In this way, my Throat Chakra or Creative Centre simply becomes the vehicle through which Divine Soul is expressed, This came as a big relief to me. No longer is it just me and my individual Soul trying to get through this life and having the full responsibility to create whatever it is I am supposed to be creating on this material plane. My Soul told me that all I need to do now is to stay tuned in and to allow my Soul to be fully rooted in Divine Soul. All else will flow from that connection.

This is making so much sense to me. Of course it is important, as long as we are here on the Earth in physical Earth bound bodies, to be grounded in this current reality. At the same time, it seems to me to be essential to understand and remember that, while our Individual Soul is presently dwelling here in a physical body, this is not the home of the Soul. The Soul is part of a larger, more expanded, more ethereal reality. When life can be seen and experienced from this Higher Perspective of Divine Soul, life's lessons and challenges begin to make much more sense in terms of our Individual Soul's evolutionary process. I already have a strong sense that this awareness and this tapping into Divine Soul Energy is going to make my life's challenges feel much easier. And I have a sense that all of the wonderfully creative ideas and insights I have are going to flow into manifestation much more easily. Prior to having these new awarenesses and feelings of connection to a greater Source, my Creative Juices were flowing, but felt almost overwhelming. I wasn't sure I had the energy or ability to allow that Creative Energy full expression. Now I know that I can do all that I am being urged to do. As long as I continue to allow my Soul to be rooted in and nurtured by its Divine Source, I know that I do have the capacity to allow that Creative Force to express itself through me. And truthfully, it is wonderful to be coming to a deeper understanding that it is not about me. I am simply the vehicle.
I think this is beginning to answer a question that I have puzzled over for sometime. We have had (and still have) some extremely talented and creative people on this planet. These people bring so much to us in the way of music and dance and songs and stories and art etc.. It sometimes seems as though their creative energy is non ending. And yet many of them struggle with unhappy lives or addictions or emotional distress. We all know many very talented and creative individuals whose lives have ended way too soon and often in not very happy circumstances. Could it be that, although they had very Creative Souls, they might not have known how to tap into that Greater Source for nurturing and support? Were they trying to do it all alone as Individual Souls? Were they trying to take responsibility for this massive energy? Were they trying to own and control a force that cannot be owned and cannot be controlled? For some really fascinating info on this topic of Creativity and letting go of responsibility, check out and click onto Elizabeth Gilbert (under G's. page 2).

To me, this incredible Creative Force is the Kundalini awakening and moving through us. The Kundalini is a dynamic and powerful energy that we need to be prepared for. This means keeping the body strong and healthy (Organic food and dance are a great way to start getting stronger and healthier). It is also very helpful to prepare our nervous systems through stress reduction and by determining what is really essential to our well being. In this culture, we tend to feel an obligation to keep doing more, accomplishing more. The more we "do" and the more pressure we put on ourselves, the less connected with Soul we are. Throat Chakra is about being very discriminating as to what nurtures the Soul and what does not. In other words, what things are really exciting and make you feel really alive? What things drag you down and drain your energy? In working with this energy centre it is crucial to begin to embrace those things, situations and people that give us energy and vitality and a sense of moving forward. It is important to begin the process of withdrawing from those things that tire us or that feel out of synch or harmony with us.
Imagine a world where we could all live in absolute harmony with our Soul's deepest desires. That is my Throat Chakra Dream!
Keep those Creative Juices flowing!