This, for me, is one of the major challenges of the Spiritual Journey. I love that mountaintop and yet, as a human being living and working on the Earth, how do I balance my craving to be on that mountaintop with my all too human needs for family, relationship, connection, satisfying work and play, and of course also bringing in my physical needs for good organic food, movement and exercise and of course hugs and intimacy. I know, from personal experience, that it is sometimes tempting to pursue the Spiritual Path exclusively to the extent of disconnecting from and denying our human needs. It is like trying to "build a castle in the sky". With no foundation, that Castle will crash and that crash may come in the form of a physical or emotional crisis. I think this is akin to what has been called a Spiritual Emergency.
The Higher we journey through our Chakra System, the more important it is to have rituals of grounding and connection. I am just imagining how awesome it is to be fully grounded in t
he Higher Aspects or Dimensions of Existence as we simultaneously walk on and connect deeply with the Earth. Imagine the Bridge (the Heart) being fully open so that we can travel easily and safely between the Physical and Spiritual Realms, so that eventually no travel is necessary. We are just "there" existing, expanding into both realms simultaneously. Does there really have to be a "break" or a disconnect between either world? I don't think so. I believe it just means taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually in the best way that we each know how, finding that balance between Being and Doing and most importantly Opening the Heart so we can cross that Bridge easily.

Opening the Heart -- perhaps easy enough to write about, easy enough to imagine or even do in the "right" circumstances (where we feel safe and loved) but how about in those challenging relationships and situations? How about in our memories and perhaps traumas of the past? If our bridge is blocked then we may either feels trapped in the lower chakras with no spiritual guidance or direction, or we may end up trying to build that castle in the sky which will come crashing down. I am currently reading a book "Perfect Love Imperfect Relationships" by John Welwood which explores the fear (or terror in some cases) that many of us have of Opening the Heart fully and at the same time, looks at the necessity of doing so if we are ever to create a harmonious and fulfilling life and World. Our planet desperately needs our Love now.
Interestingly enough, I see a real parallel happening in my singing lessons (based on Speech Level Singing -- see link at the left of my blog) and my current challenge of "crossing the bridge" from chest voice to head voice. I can sing in a very low chesty voice and I can sing in a high soprano type voice. But crossing over from lower frequencies to higher frequencies with no disconnection -- now there is the challenge!! So even my singing lessons are pointing to the need to Open My Heart, to find ease in crossing The Bridge. So I can happily go hang out in the Crown Chakra (my high soprano voice) or I can enjoy the sensual Earthy pleasures of physicality (my deep chest voice -- which does create a powerful and sensual vibration in my body!)), but ultimately it seems to me that the Middle Way of the Heart is the Ultimate Bridge to Connection, to becoming Whole (and to singing my favorite songs easily and smoothly with no break in my voice as it crosses that all important vocal bridge).
Perhaps the most important aspect of connecting with the Crown Chakra, or Communing with the Divine, or Opening Fully to the Mystery, can only really happen through forgiveness, letting go, acceptance, compassion, understanding and of course through the LOVE that we are willing to share, right here and now, on this planet with our fellow human beings.
My Crown Chakra Dream is that we can all find it in our Hearts to Love, Honor, Respect and Accept Ourselves, All Living Beings and Mother Earth. And since the focus is on the CROWN CHAKRA I would like to expand that Dream to extend that same LOVE to ALL BEINGS, ALL PLANETS, ALL GALAXIES, ALL REALMS OF EXISTENCE...............
And here is another book that may help you feel more connected to the grander picture of ALL THAT IS: A Walk Through Time by Brian Swimme and others.
Blessings and Love to All,
Blessings and Love to All,