This is a reminder (or it might be "new" news) that I am presently facilitating a Seven Week Journey Through the Chakras every Wednesday evening from 7pm--9pm up to (and including) Wed. Nov. 25, 2009. This is a drop in class. Each class will offer a full review of the preceeding Chakras that we have worked with and then there will be a focus on one particular Chakra, working from the Root up to the Crown.. This blog will cover the essence of what we did and what we experienced in preceeding classes.
On Wed. Oct. 14, we explored the Root Chakra at the Base of the Spine. We became like Trees with roots nestled deep in Mother Earth. Through our deep and sacred connection with the Earth we explored the qualities of stability and groundedness. Then we visualized a Sacred Jungle and met our current Power Animal. We allowed the Animal to dance and make sound through us. In our journals, we explored the qualities of that Animal and how those qualities might support us in our Sacred Journey on this planet. Then we dialogued, again through journal writing, with our Animal friend. The Animals had some surprising and wonderful things to share with us. It was a blessing to meet and dance with all of the Animals that came through us and it was very beautiful to re-connect with our own Animal Nature. It was a powerful reminder that we humans also have instincts that need to be listened to.
On Wed. Oct. 21, we explored the Sacral Chakra. We began by exploring ways of pampering ourselves. We explored physical sensation through exotic and sensual movements and dance. We connected deeply with the element of Water. By visualizing the healing of the Earth's waters we brought healing imagery and energy into the waters and fluids of our own bodies. In our journals, we wrote about those things that give us physical pleasure and that opened up a beautiful discussion around sexuality. Calling upon the energy of the Goddess or the Divine Feminine, we asked her the question, "How Can I Experience My Own Inner Beauty More Fully?" We allowed her to answer through a dialogue in our jounals. The sharing here was powerful and dynamic. SHE brought us insight and a deeper appreciation and love for ourselves.
On Wed. Oct. 28, we will explore the Solar Plexus and the element of FIRE! It could be a passionate and firey experience!! Stay tuned for the next chapter in our ongoing Journey Through the Chakras. Or better yet, come and join us at:
Britten Memorial Chuch
657 Lansdowne Ave (S of Bloor)
Wed. 7pm--9pm (doors are locked at 7:30)
Cost is $15.00 per class
If you want more info, e-mail me at chakradancer@hotmail.com
I am happy to receive any responses, comments, questions...
Whether you join us at the Church or you journey and explore on your own, remember to "Dance Like Nobody's Watching!"
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