**This post was originally written and posted April 28, 2013. Updated today, June 20, 2016
Yesterday I had a moment (or two!) of falling head first into that swirling cesspool of money anxiety -- or more accurately, anxiety about not having enough. I wonder if anyone else could relate to that (like maybe most of the world's population!)?

Time to Shift that Old Pattern!
I discovered "The Prosperity Song" by Jai Josefs many years ago. In fact I had it stored away. It's on a dusty old cassette tape that I hadn't thought about for a very long time. Seems like it is not even on CD, but fortunately it is now on youtube. So check out the link below for a fun, bouncy, dancey song that is full of positive affirmations around money. And I suspect that singing affirmations may be more powerful that speaking them. Either way, I'd rather be singing that song and feeding some good prosperity thoughts into my psyche. Sure beats letting those "scarcity thoughts" run rampant! I find that fear and anxiety can paralyze and sometimes just a little singing and/or dancing can help the Creative Spirit to start flowing again.
The Prosperity Song
The Root Chakra

As I walked amongst the trees in my favourite place -- Riverdale Farm -- I started to connect with the Roots of those amazing and beautiful trees. I thought about the unwavering stability of those roots, the deep, solid connection with Mother Earth -- almost like the umbilical cord that connects Mother and Baby. Those Roots take in all that is needed for life -- nutrients, moisture and support from the soil, from The Mother.
In the human energy system of the Chakras, the Root Chakra (which is centered at the base of the Spine) is also, energetically, our connection with Mother Earth. It is the Root Chakra that gives us our sense of Stability, Security (including financial), Safety, Connection with Life. It is our Foundation. The Root Chakra has a lot to do with feeling prosperous, abundant and financially secure.
A Positive Approach to Root (or Base) Chakra Healing

Just as it is so easy for many of us to fall into that negative, fearful thinking about money, it is also equally easy for many of us to be thinking about what is "wrong" with us, or thinking about how our Chakras are "blocked" or "damaged". I do believe we have all come to this planet with lessons to be learned and experiences to be experienced, but I think a lot of what we consider "blockages" or "damage" may simply be those erroneous attitudes, beliefs and judgements that have been imposed upon us from our earliest days and may be still getting into us through the media, political leaders etc. . So I think we need to counteract, or at least balance, all that negativity by nurturing and "feeding" our Root Chakras with more positive thoughts and energy and actions.
Imagination is a great healer.
I like to work with Chakras by looking at the positive qualities and imagining them to be true (even if I don't currently experience the truth of them.) By imagining, for example, that I FEEL SECURE AND STABLE, I am feeding that energy and idea into my Root Chakra. And if I really listen deeply at the same time that I am imagining this quality to be present , I find that often I will get messages or inspirations as to how to nurture that feeling. Imagining feeling stable makes me think about the connection of my feet on the Earth. It makes me think about being more present in my body. It makes me think about the stability and strength of those stately trees and I can take that feeling of stability and strength right into my own body and Root system. And I can further act on all of that by (for example) energizing my feet through Reflexology, becoming more present in my body through Yoga, Tai Chi or other forms of bodywork or whatever feels nurturing and stabilizing to my Roots. Nourishing the body with good food and water is a pretty essential part of Root Chakra Healing.
So my threefold Chakra Healing Approach is:
1. Affirm. Sit quietly, settle into your physical body, focus on the base of the spine and pelvic floor (the Root Chakra) and say the affirmation** a few times. Let it sink in.
2. Imagine. Imagine that the affirmation is true and explore how that truth would show up in your body and in your life.
3. Act. From the above imagining and exploration, pay close attention to to any messages or inspirations that show up about how you might help to nurture and feed that quality that you are affirming. Then take action.
(Another possibility occurred to me as I was thinking about #3. ACT. Maybe the action could be that you actually act out the affirmation, as in role playing or dancing it. That could be really fun!)
**Suggested Root Chakra Affirmations
I'll leave you with just a few more Positive Root Chakra Affirmations you can work with, or use as an inspiration to create your own!
1. My physical body is healthy and strong.
2. I have an abundance of physical energy.
3. I peacefully accept and honour all parts of myself and my family.
4. I experience a strong and healthy connection to my community.
5. I feel my connection with all that exists.
6. I am in tune with my own instinctual wisdom.
7. I am deeply connected with Mother Earth and all of her Beings.
'Til next time.
Happy Healing!
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