Shamanic Group June 24, 2010
The Wounded Heart
I attended this particular Shamanic Journeying Group (we meet the last Thurs. of each month)thinking I would ask for a healing. For the past couple of weeks I had been feeling some intense pain in my Heart. It felt like an open bleeding wound. This pain had been triggered by a relationship that was changing in ways that I didn’t want it to change. My Heart was hurting and I felt very unbalanced by the changes.
First Shamanic Journey of the Evening
The Wounded Heart
I attended this particular Shamanic Journeying Group (we meet the last Thurs. of each month)thinking I would ask for a healing. For the past couple of weeks I had been feeling some intense pain in my Heart. It felt like an open bleeding wound. This pain had been triggered by a relationship that was changing in ways that I didn’t want it to change. My Heart was hurting and I felt very unbalanced by the changes.
First Shamanic Journey of the Evening
Our leader, Jeannette, , offered the possibility of going into our first Shamanic Journey of the evening with the question “What am I being called to explore right now”.

I journeyed to the “Upper World” as I usually do, on the back of my Purple Dragon friend. He took me to the Space Station (a sacred place where I frequently journey to both in my 'conscious' journeying as we were doing in this circle, and also in my sleeping dreamtime) where I met up with my beloved guide and companion, Sweet Wisdom. When I asked Sweet Wisdom the question, “What am I being called to explore right now?” the answer came instantaneously. Human Relationships.
I am being called to explore Human Relationships.
So my question to Sweet Wisdom was “But how can I explore Human Relationships when I am feeling so vulnerable right now and my Heart is feeling so wounded?”
Sweet Wisdom informed me that the feeling of pain and deep woundedness that I feel right now is the result of a deep cleansing and clearing that is happening to me personally as well as to all of humanity and in Mother Earth herself.
In the same way that my Heart feels like it is bleeding right now, the Earth’s Heart is also bleeding. She has been deeply wounded.
We have hurt Mother Earth very badly. But just as she is not giving up and turning her back on us, I cannot turn my back on those whom I feel have hurt me.
Just as Mother Earth still surrounds us with love, still nurtures and nourishes us, in the same way I need to surround those who have hurt me with love and understanding.
Second Shamanic Journey of the Evening
One of the suggestions that Jeannette offered as we prepared for our second journey of the evening was to ask “What healing can you offer me to make my life, and the lives of those around me, better?” (Paraphrased by me!)
In my journey, I returned to the Space Station. I found a “bed” on the floor that had been prepared for me and I stretched out, opening my arms wide as I exposed my aching Heart to the healing energy. Some of my really special Alien Friends (see my previous blog) were there including of course, Sweet Wisdom and some other Alien friends that I call Hank and Dolores and Joseph. All of these beings are very important to me and they form the core of a story, True Friendship, that I have been writing since Jan. 2008.
All of these beings surrounded me with Love. I felt Love pouring into my open Heart – so much Love that I knew I could return to Earth and there would be plenty to share with others. I saw a steady stream of Love pouring into me from a pink ray of energy. Now I know that all I have to do is to be still and quiet and that pink ray of Divine Love will pour into my Heart as long as my Heart is open. As I saw that, I imagined that all the people who have hurt me were surrounded by this Love. I imagined that all the people that I have hurt were also being surrounded by this Love. I imagined all the people that I feel in conflict with surrounded by this pink ray of Divine Love.
As the drumbeat changed to signal that it was time to return to our present reality, I prepared, reluctantly, to leave. As I got on the back of the purple dragon who always transports me to and from this sacred Space Station, I was amazed to see Sweet Wisdom get on the back of the Dragon with me. She said that she was coming back with me partly to support me through this challenging time that I am going through and partly to make sure that I start getting their (the Aliens) messages out to the World. This is a project I have been thinking about for some time now but up until now, I have allowed my resistance to get the better of me. Sweet Wisdom mentioned that she is going to “stick like glue” with me to make sure I begin that process with her complete support.
The action I am taking is first to post this message on my blog and then to introduce some of my Alien friends, including some pictures I have drawn of them, at an upcoming talk I will be giving in July. As these beings have been telling me, they can only have life in this reality through me. They want to be seen and heard through me. They have given me so many remarkable gifts

This is my depiction of Sweet Wisdom which I drew March 7, 2009. She has been guiding my journey ever since.
I'll be back soon with more of my Alien Friends. If any of this resonates with you or stirs you in any way, I would love to receive a comment from you.
Hi Barbara, I found this to be very interesting and I'm very curious about the beings you're in contact with. Do you have any chakra workshops/talks coming up?
ReplyDeleteI actually just gave a talk on this topic last Sunday at Britten Memorial Church. I will be posting that talk on my blog later today. Workshops are on hold for the summer but there will likely be some in the fall. I'll post them on my blog a well.