What makes your Heart sing? Actually, one of the things that really makes my heart sing is walking by a tree full of singing birds. I always have to stop and enjoy the symphony!
On Wed. Feb. 24, we explored many aspects of the Heart Chakra in our ongoing Journey Through the Chakras. One description or image of the Heart Chakra that I find very intriguing is The Rainbow Bridge. The Heart is the Bridge between our Physical Nature and our Spiritual Nature. It is through the Heart that we develop the ability to give and receive Unconditional Love. I really like this quote from Judith Anodea's book "Eastern Body Western Mind" which
says' "We may be a culture obsessed with power, but we are driven by the need for love."

Maybe that Pot of Gold at the end of The Rainbow Bridge is actually Unconditional Love. If that is so, I wonder why that Love seems so elusive to so many of us?
Earlier in the day, when I was reflecting on my preparations for this Heart Chakra class, I pulled one of my Voyager Tarot cards (see my Jan. blog on The Tarot Reading That Keeps on Giving.) The card that I pulled was The Ace of Cups, which, in the Voyager is ECSTASY. The image is incredibly beautiful flowers in full bloom. It (the card) has a feeling of life bursting out everywhere in glorious beauty and abundance. After absorbing the energy of that card, I looked up and my gaze happened to fall upon an incredible houseplant that I have nurtured. About 4 or 5 years ago, I was given a tiny (about one and a half inches) little stick of what looked like bamboo. I rooted it, nurtured it -- now that glorious plant is taller than I am and continues to reach up towards the heavens. What came to me in that moment was "This amazing and beautiful plant truly is an ecstatic expression of life!" I looked at my other plants and had the same kind of feeling. I thought about the trees and the flowers -- all ecstatic expressions of life -- fully grounded and supported by the Earth and reaching up into the skies. I thought about the animals. I thought about us -- human beings. All ecstatic expressions of life. How different my experience of life and relationships could be if I could completely embody that knowing that we are all ecstatic expressions of life. In that moment, I did feel that knowing, that sense of Ecstatic expression, deep in every cell of my being. The blossoming flowers in the card reminded me that, just as the blossoms of those flowers do not last forever, that peak experience of Ecstasy may also be a fleeting one. However, that peak experience definitely opened my Heart to possibilities of connecting more deeply and loving more deeply.
As I went on to review various qualities of the Heart Chakra -- unconditional love and
compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance of self and others, ability to give and receive.....-- my attention focused on receiving. As a former nurse and care giver, and as someone with a seriously overdeveloped sense of responsibility and need to feel completely independent, receiving has not been easy for me. Almost impossible actually! Recent life circumstances have changed all of that! I have been put in a position of having to ask for help and assistance in various ways. Although I am, out of necessity, getting better at doing that, it is still challenging and I still wouldn't if I didn't really have to! People are helpful and generous in ways i wouldn't have imagined before. And yet there has been a nagging feeling in me that somehow I "should" be able to be more self sufficient and not take advantage of people's generosity. I suspect this underlying feeling of being "not deserving" is a big issue for many of us. And yet, if we are all Ecstatic expressions of Divine Love, just as the Trees and Flowers are, then I think we are all deserving of the support, assistance and Love that we require for our sustenance in the same way that the trees, flowers etc. are deserving of the nourishment they receive from the Sun, the Rain and the Earth.

So my Heart Chakra Dream is that we all know ourselves as Ecstatic Expressions of Life and that we are all able to receive all that we need to support our physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
May all of your deepest Heart felt dreams come true. And may we all find our own pot of gold in the depths of our Hearts.