Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heart Chakra Ecstasy!

What makes your Heart sing? Actually, one of the things that really makes my heart sing is walking by a tree full of singing birds. I always have to stop and enjoy the symphony!

On Wed. Feb. 24, we explored many aspects of the Heart Chakra in our ongoing Journey Through the Chakras. One description or image of the Heart Chakra that I find very intriguing is The Rainbow Bridge. The Heart is the Bridge between our Physical Nature and our Spiritual Nature. It is through the Heart that we develop the ability to give and receive Unconditional Love. I really like this quote from Judith Anodea's book "Eastern Body Western Mind" which says' "We may be a culture obsessed with power, but we are driven by the need for love."

Maybe that Pot of Gold at the end of The Rainbow Bridge is actually Unconditional Love. If that is so, I wonder why that Love seems so elusive to so many of us?

Earlier in the day, when I was reflecting on my preparations for this Heart Chakra class, I pulled one of my Voyager Tarot cards (see my Jan. blog on The Tarot Reading That Keeps on Giving.) The card that I pulled was The Ace of Cups, which, in the Voyager is ECSTASY. The image is incredibly beautiful flowers in full bloom. It (the card) has a feeling of life bursting out everywhere in glorious beauty and abundance. After absorbing the energy of that card, I looked up and my gaze happened to fall upon an incredible houseplant that I have nurtured. About 4 or 5 years ago, I was given a tiny (about one and a half inches) little stick of what looked like bamboo. I rooted it, nurtured it -- now that glorious plant is taller than I am and continues to reach up towards the heavens. What came to me in that moment was "This amazing and beautiful plant truly is an ecstatic expression of life!" I looked at my other plants and had the same kind of feeling. I thought about the trees and the flowers -- all ecstatic expressions of life -- fully grounded and supported by the Earth and reaching up into the skies. I thought about the animals. I thought about us -- human beings. All ecstatic expressions of life. How different my experience of life and relationships could be if I could completely embody that knowing that we are all ecstatic expressions of life. In that moment, I did feel that knowing, that sense of Ecstatic expression, deep in every cell of my being. The blossoming flowers in the card reminded me that, just as the blossoms of those flowers do not last forever, that peak experience of Ecstasy may also be a fleeting one. However, that peak experience definitely opened my Heart to possibilities of connecting more deeply and loving more deeply.
As I went on to review various qualities of the Heart Chakra -- unconditional love and compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance of self and others, ability to give and receive.....-- my attention focused on receiving. As a former nurse and care giver, and as someone with a seriously overdeveloped sense of responsibility and need to feel completely independent, receiving has not been easy for me. Almost impossible actually! Recent life circumstances have changed all of that! I have been put in a position of having to ask for help and assistance in various ways. Although I am, out of necessity, getting better at doing that, it is still challenging and I still wouldn't if I didn't really have to! People are helpful and generous in ways i wouldn't have imagined before. And yet there has been a nagging feeling in me that somehow I "should" be able to be more self sufficient and not take advantage of people's generosity. I suspect this underlying feeling of being "not deserving" is a big issue for many of us. And yet, if we are all Ecstatic expressions of Divine Love, just as the Trees and Flowers are, then I think we are all deserving of the support, assistance and Love that we require for our sustenance in the same way that the trees, flowers etc. are deserving of the nourishment they receive from the Sun, the Rain and the Earth.
So my Heart Chakra Dream is that we all know ourselves as Ecstatic Expressions of Life and that we are all able to receive all that we need to support our physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
May all of your deepest Heart felt dreams come true. And may we all find our own pot of gold in the depths of our Hearts.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

More Solar Plexus Fun!!

I have a few more images and inspirations I want to add to my previous blog on the Solar Plexus. This is a dynamic and intriguing energy centre to be exploring. Because it does connect directly to our digestive system on a physical level, that includes the liver -- which tends to be a place where many of us hold our unexpressed anger. So, the unleashing of that Inner Volcano that is the Solar Plexus will free up the passion that drives us. At the same time it can also free up the anger that many of us have buried deep within our liver. If we can welcome that pent up energy and express it creatively, perhaps in Artwork or Dance or in Song or Sounding, we may find not only a wonderful catharsis and release from that previously stuck energy, we may also find we have created an explosively dynamic Dance or Art or....

And to balance that explosive energy, I recently read, in Judith Anodea's book, "Eastern Body Western Mind" that the Solar Plexus is also the centre for our sense of humour. I never knew that before, but it balances nicely with all of that dynamic Warrior energy. After all we want to be in our Power, but I think sometimes our greatest power may be in not taking ourselves so seriously. And there is nothing like a good belly laugh to energize those digestive organs. A little Laughter Yoga anyone? There are Laughter Yoga classes available. Here in Toronto, google Lynn Himmelman to find out about her wonderful Laughter Yoga classes.

If you are still looking to free that Inner Warrior, Martial Arts are great. Personally I love the movements, music and power of Capoeira -- a Brazilian Martial Art. You may want to take a few lessons before you attempt these moves!! (Check out the Bavia Arts Studio link at the left side of the blog). Just creating your own Martial Art Dance to Capoeira music can be fun and energizing. Even just watching a Capoeira performance can stir that Solar Plexus energy.

And lastly (for now) the vibration of the Solar Plexus is in harmony with the vibration of horns. Some wonderful horn music can be had in Mexican Mariachi Music. The Mexican Hat Dance (Jarabe Tapatio) is a great piece to do some Solar Plexus Dancing.
May the Sun shine warm upon you and may it fill your Solar Plexus with fire and light!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Solar Plexus Passion!

What are you really passionate about? What "lights your fire"?

These are good questions to ask yourself as we explore the Solar Plexus energy centre. Often we associate passion with the Sacral Chakra because it is also the sexual centre. Certainly because it is the centre of intimacy, passion can begin to awaken here -- the passion of a new love; the passion for beauty; passion for fulfilling physical desire.

Deep in the Solar Plexus, our Personal Power centre, that energy centre just above the navel, lies our "Inner Fire" just waiting to be fanned to life. When that energy centre gets "fired up", there is no stopping us from moving forward into the full passionate expression of who we are. When we are really energized in the Solar Plexus, we can totally step "out of the box" and become the unique, dynamic beings that we are all meant to be; that we are all capable of being. Solar Plexus energy is about expressing ourselves as the totally unique beings that we each are. If we can think of ourselves as each being an individual spark from the same creative fire, then we can honor our connectedness even as we explore our uniqueness. Just as every single snowflake is unique and different, so too is every human spark from the Divine Flame completely unique and individual.

This puts me in mind of a quote from Rob Breszny's ( book, PRONOIA which says, "Philosopher Robert Anton Wilson has proposed that the single greatest contribution to World Peace would come from there being six billion different religions -- a unique spiritual path for each person on the planet." Imagine a world where we could all explore and discover our own deep inner truth and live our lives from that place. That is definitely my Solar Plexus Dream.

Movement and dance can be a wonderful way to begin to take that step out of the box. In our Solar Plexus class on Wed. Feb. 17, we began by thoroughly warming up the body with gentle flowing movement and stretches. Then we danced to a piece called "Chaos" with the suggestion that we explore ways of moving that we haven't done before and if we find ourselves moving into a predictable, rhythmic pattern of moving, to step back, shake it out and begin a new unfamiliar way of moving. I suspect that most of us have been pretty intensely conditioned to "maintain the status quo" and to keep that inner volcano dampened down. But is that really any way to live? I would like to propose that we each take the time for some deep Solar Plexus reflection and really start to explore those things that "Light the Inner Fire". Whatever small step or movement each of us can begin to take towards our dreams and our desires and our freedom will not only free up our own energy, but will benefit and inspire those around us.

I shall leave with with this little image of personal power being well expressed!!

Or in case you prefer to think of a little softer or slightly more laid back image of potential power, how about this one?

Til next time,

Keep dreaming your beautiful dreams,


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sacral Chakra and Intimacy

Perhaps intimacy has to begin "at home" with ourselves. How "intimate" are we with all parts of ourselves. Although the Sacral Chakra does definitely relate to the intimacy of sexuality, it also embodies a much greater intimacy. That is not to downplay the beauty and power and sacredness of physical loving -- it is to say that there is that and there is more -- much more. Certainly as we continue this fascinating Journey Through the Chakras, we'll discover and experience more. But for now, let's get to know those parts of us that are desperately wanting our attention. Within most (if not all) of us, whatever our age, there are parts of us that are hidden inside feeling ignored, unsatisfied, unfulfilled. If those parts of us continue to be ignored or oppressed, we can be certain that they will find an outlet -- be it in unhealthy relationships, inability to develop intimacy, perhaps in ways that may be hurtful to ourselves or others. What if, as adults, we could develop intimate relationships with those younger (and still very much alive and active) parts of ourselves that are still craving the attention or fulfillment of needs and desires that didn't happen then.

A number of years ago, the big rage was "Inner Child" work. What about the "Inner Adolescent", the "Inner Teenager", the "Inner Young Adult". Sacral Chakra qualities include being able to develop healthy relationships, healthy expression of sexuality, emotional health and stability, feelings of passion and zest for life and the ability to create new life (since it does relate to organs of reproduction). The Sacral Chakra is also the place where attraction to others originates. And of course it relates our ability to attract others to us. That may bring up all kinds of issues about how attractive (or not) that we feel, how deserving of love and attention we feel. In other words it may bring up many of the same insecurities, desires, dreams and hopes that we may have had as adolescents, as teenagers, as young adults. Those long term insecurities and those unfulfilled dreams and desires could be wrecking havoc on our ability to develop healthy intimate relationships.
Since the Sacral Chakra is also the beginning of the awakening Creative Energy, can we find a creative way to re-connect -- intimately -- with those long denied parts of ourselves and allow them to express themselves creatively? Can we tune in to those memories of ourselves as a young teenager and offer that part of ourselves unconditional love and acceptance? Can we allow that part of ourselves to sing his or her song, to dance his/her dance, to tell his/her story, to draw or paint his/her pain and joy and frustration and desire?
We are so hung up, in our society, with what is "age appropriate" behaviour that much of our Creative Spirit has been held back, repressed, and denied expression. The "Inner Child" in us has to be free to express without judgement and without the need to be "perfect". The "Inner Teenager" has to be free to explore new feelings and sensations and desires and moods. It is back here that so much of our Creative Juiciness has been locked in. Let's allow that child in us to scribble and play freely with colours and shapes and sounds and explore with fascination all of the incredible ways that the body can move. Let's allow that teenager in us to explore sensation and love and desire and attraction. Let's just unlock those Creative Juices. Let the Sacral Chakra energy flow.

Ultimately I truly believe that it is the freeing of the Creative Spirit that is going to free humanity from pain and conflict. So I would like to propose that we rid ourselves of all judgement around what is "age appropriate".

Believe it or not, all of this was stirred up in me by a song that I want to sing on my 60th birthday, which is Jan. 11, 2011. I began singing lessons about one year ago -- never having sung before in all of my then 58 years. My inner 16 year old really wants to sing "Dream Lover" for my 60th birthday celebration. She wants, and deserves, equal time at that celebration. I've really had to grapple with, "What are people gonna think -- a 60 year old woman up there singing "I want..... A call my Own." But you know what, it is not me as a 6o year old, who will be singing that song. It is the 16 year old part of me that will be there singing her heart out. And you know what, the 60 year old will find, or create, her own special love song. One thing I am discovering about love is that as one gets older, the potential for loving becomes stronger and deeper. And that needs its own special song. But first, the teenager has to sing her song of desire. The young adult woman in me has to express her desire through her special song and dance. And, when the time is right, I will find or create the song and the dance that express the profound depths of the desire and love that continue to grow and deepen inside of me.

This Journey into Intimacy is truly a sacred and profound Journey -- especially when we offer that intimacy first to ourselves -- to all parts of ourselves.

The Journey Through the Chakras continues next Wed. Feb. 17 with the Solar Plexus. Stay tuned!!
Treat Yourself Well!

PS I may not have mentioned that the Element of the Sacral Chakra is WATER and that Belly Dance is one beautiful way to begin to awaken that energy center.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Root Chakra and Organic Food

Greetings to all Lovers of Clean Healthy Organic Food!

There definitely is a direct link between the Health of Our Planet Earth, Organic Farming and the Health and Strength of our Root Chakra.

Last night, Wed. Feb. 3, 2010 I began another Journey Through the Chakras, an eight week (every Wed. pm) exploration of these fascinating energy centres. As many times as I have presented this Journey, I am always amazed at the new information that comes forward, both through my own reflections and through the reflections and insights of the participants, each and every time I offer this series. Last night's class was focused on the Root Chakra which is the energy centre located at the base of the spine and is our direct connection with Mother Earth. I would highly recommend the book "Eastern Body Western Mind" by Judith Anodea (available at the Library) if you want a really thorough understanding of this energy system. Basically the Root Chakra is connected with our survival issues -- and we know there are plenty of those in our world today. A strong and balanced Root Chakra helps us to feel safe, secure, stable (including financial stability), and comfortable in family and community connections. It is strongly conneccted to our physical health and well being and that, of course, is deeply related to what we put into our bodies. If we put in clean healthy balanced Organic food then our bodies are well supported and nourished. If we eat conventional food with all of its chemicals and pesticides, the body has to struggle to detoxify the food and even then, the amount of nutrients in that food is greatly diminished because it has been so severely tampered with.
A fascinating tidbit -- according to some experiments done by Jane Goodall -- she discovered that if she held an organic piece of fruit in one hand and a conventional, full of pesticides piece of fruit in the other hand, her animal friends consistently chose the Organic fruit. They instinctively knew which one to choose. She has a wonderful book out called "Harvest for Hope -- a guide to mindful eating". This is also available at the Library along with many books on her adventures in Africa and her insights into animal nature. The Root Chakra is also connected with our Animal and instinctual nature which we do all have but our intellectual nature has overpowered that instinct. The more we can re-connect with the animals and pure healthy food, the more sensitive we will become in regards to our connection with the Earth.

In last night's class, after we released our stress and got centered through our Dance Flow through all of the Chakras we refocused on the Root Chakra and its qualities. Then, in our journals, we did the following exercise which you may find interesting to try on your own.

We reflected on and completed the statement, "Out of those Root Chakra qualities, the thing that is most important to me right now is........................................" Then we paused and imagined that thing or quality being in our lives right now.

Then taking that thing that is so important to us right now on a personal level, into a broader global dream, we completed the statement "My dream for the Earth and all of her beings is........................................ We imagined that dream happening and being real right now.

The next statement was "One small step or action or change of thought I can make towards this dream is................................." In our imagination we saw ourselves doing this.

People dreamed about vibrant physical health for themselves and for all people: feelings of connectedness came up. Also desires to feel grounded and stable.

In my own personal reflection on this I dreamed of the availablity and accessabilty of Organic Food for all. The steps that I saw myself taking towards this dream were: 1. Every time I step into the Organic store or go to the Organic Market, I will offer my gratitude for being able to shop and eat organically (as opposed my usual apprehension and anxiety of what this is going to cost as I step up to the cash register with my Organic treasures!) and to send out a prayer that all beings have abundant access to this wonderful food. 2. To support the Organic farmers in whatever way I can.

After imagining myself doing this last night, I was really excited today to discover, through Vitality magazine, that there is an Organic conference coming up next week Feb. 20 here in Toronto. If you like you can check that out at

Just a final thought -- as I was preparing for this class I also stumbled upon some wonderful information about the Earth and the Universe by Brian Swimme -- if you google his name and then click on video, you'll see and hear some amazing stuff. In one of his videos he says that humanity is "in between" stories right now. The old story that we have been living is over now and our new story has not yet manifested (I am putting this in my own words in the way that I understood it). To me that means we have a tremendous power now to participate in the creation of that new story. And I believe that it is our dreams and our intentions that are creating that new story.

So l am dreaming of the Earth being loved and nurtured by the Organic farmers that we (and our governments) support and that every living being has access to an abundance of Organic food.

I'd love to hear what your dream is. or leave a post here.
I'll be in touch next week after our Sacral Chakra adventure!
Keep Dreaming!
