Friday, February 19, 2010

Solar Plexus Passion!

What are you really passionate about? What "lights your fire"?

These are good questions to ask yourself as we explore the Solar Plexus energy centre. Often we associate passion with the Sacral Chakra because it is also the sexual centre. Certainly because it is the centre of intimacy, passion can begin to awaken here -- the passion of a new love; the passion for beauty; passion for fulfilling physical desire.

Deep in the Solar Plexus, our Personal Power centre, that energy centre just above the navel, lies our "Inner Fire" just waiting to be fanned to life. When that energy centre gets "fired up", there is no stopping us from moving forward into the full passionate expression of who we are. When we are really energized in the Solar Plexus, we can totally step "out of the box" and become the unique, dynamic beings that we are all meant to be; that we are all capable of being. Solar Plexus energy is about expressing ourselves as the totally unique beings that we each are. If we can think of ourselves as each being an individual spark from the same creative fire, then we can honor our connectedness even as we explore our uniqueness. Just as every single snowflake is unique and different, so too is every human spark from the Divine Flame completely unique and individual.

This puts me in mind of a quote from Rob Breszny's ( book, PRONOIA which says, "Philosopher Robert Anton Wilson has proposed that the single greatest contribution to World Peace would come from there being six billion different religions -- a unique spiritual path for each person on the planet." Imagine a world where we could all explore and discover our own deep inner truth and live our lives from that place. That is definitely my Solar Plexus Dream.

Movement and dance can be a wonderful way to begin to take that step out of the box. In our Solar Plexus class on Wed. Feb. 17, we began by thoroughly warming up the body with gentle flowing movement and stretches. Then we danced to a piece called "Chaos" with the suggestion that we explore ways of moving that we haven't done before and if we find ourselves moving into a predictable, rhythmic pattern of moving, to step back, shake it out and begin a new unfamiliar way of moving. I suspect that most of us have been pretty intensely conditioned to "maintain the status quo" and to keep that inner volcano dampened down. But is that really any way to live? I would like to propose that we each take the time for some deep Solar Plexus reflection and really start to explore those things that "Light the Inner Fire". Whatever small step or movement each of us can begin to take towards our dreams and our desires and our freedom will not only free up our own energy, but will benefit and inspire those around us.

I shall leave with with this little image of personal power being well expressed!!

Or in case you prefer to think of a little softer or slightly more laid back image of potential power, how about this one?

Til next time,

Keep dreaming your beautiful dreams,


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