On Wed. Nov. 11, we continued our weekly Journey Through the Chakras by focusing on the Throat Chakra. This energy centre relates to Communication and Creativity. It is through the Throat Chakra that the Soul can express and manifest its deepest desires and longings.
I found it fascinating to discover that the Sanskrit word for Throat Chakra is VISHUDDHA and that translates into PURIFICATION. This centre purifies and harmonizes all opposites.
To allow our creative spirit to come forward, we began by imagining or remembering ourselves as playful, creative children. We reflected on the question, "What is one thing your child self would love to be creating or making right now?" Many wonderful and happy childhood memories emerged as people re-connected with that playful child within.
We reviewed the previous Chakras through music and people were offered the option of moving and dancing to the music or to simply relax and allow tne music to move through them. Everybody opted for moving and dancing.
We energized the ROOT CHAKRA through sounds of nature and drumming.
The SACRAL CHAKRA was explored through the sensual music and movements of BellyDance.
For the SOLAR PLEXUS, we danced to the very energizing Mexican Hat Dance. The dynamic sound of horns in this wonderful Mariachi music are very stimulating to the Solar Plexus.
As we arrived at the HEART, (with our physical hearts beating more strongly after our energetic Mexican Dance), we slowed things down as we explored movement and dance that would express sending out Gratitude and receiving Divine Love. We danced to Luciano's Heart Chakra music in his Dance of the Chakras CD. As the music gradually became livelier, we imagined dancing with the beloved child part of ourselves. The dancing here became very playful and joyful.
Then we arrived at the THROAT CHAKRA. We warmed up and stimulated our vocal cords with breath and a variety of vocal exercises and sounds. Then, through meditation, we
connected with the Soul and we asked the very important quesstion, "What is the deepest longing or desire of my Soul?" We then allowed the energy of that desire to emerge from the depths of the Soul and to be expressed through the voice as sounding. There was, for me, a definite feeling that I was singing with the angels during the sounding of our Souls' desires.

When the sounding was complete, we went back inside to ask of our Souls, "What is one step I can take towards fulfilling or manifesting my Soul's deepest longing?"
After some reflection on that question, we picked up our journals and we began with the sentence,"The deepest longing or desire of my Soul is......"
Then we wrote "One step I can take towards manifesting the deepest longing ore desire of my Soul is .........
By this time, the energy in the room felt extremely peaceful, centered and pure.
We ended by placing our hands on each Chakra, starting at the Crown and ending with the Root in order to draw in and contain the energy within ourselves as we began to prepare to go back out into the world. We ended by chanting the Universal Sound of OM three times, focusing primarily on our Root Chakra for grounding the energy.
The journey continues next Wed. Nov. 18 when we explore the Centre of Higher Wisdom -- the Third Eye Chakra.
Stay tuned as the adventure continues!
Barbara chakradancer@hotmail.com
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