On Wed. Nov. 4, we explored the Heart Chakra, the centre of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. This centre is the Bridge between the physical or material world (represented by the lower three Chakras) and the Spiritual world (represented by the upper three Chakras). The element is AIR.
Our overall focus was How can we love all apsects of ourselves more deeply and more profoundly? Most of us tend to be very good at giving to others and extending love and compassion and forgiveness to others. Giving to ourselves, feeling love and compassion and forgiveness towards ourselves is not always as easy. And yet, if take our example from the physical heart, it has to fill itself with blood before it can pump that life giving blood to all parts of the body. Likewise, on an energetic level, we have to fill ourselves with love and compassion and forgiveness before we can offer the same to the world around us.
After we introduced ourselves to each other, we each answered the question, "What makes your heart sing?" All of the beautiful answers created a lovely, positive vibration.
As a review of the previous Chakras, we used music and dance to awaken and energize those centres. For the Root Chakra, we connected with Mother Earth and the animal kingdom as we danced and shook our rattles to a drumming piece called "Tribal Gathering". As we moved up to the Sacral Chakra we connected with our Goddess energy and allowed her sensuality to emerge through some beautiful Belly Dance music and movement. Then we moved up to the Solar Plexus and allowed the strength and power of our Warrior Spirit to come forward through some wonderful Capoeira music and dance.
We then drew the energy back up to the Heart Chakra. and entered into a loving, healing meditation. Through breath and visualization we dove deeply into the Heart centre, allowing love, compassion and forgiveness to flow from its depths. As we filled our entire beings with Love, we remembered (or imagined) ourselves as the infanys that we were. We filled our infant selves with unconditional love. Then we did the same for ourselves as children, as teen-agers, as young adults, as the adults that we are now and we sent that love forward to our future selves.
And then we danced to the beautiful Heart Chakra music performed and recorded by Luciano Porto (our Dance of the Chakras musician). First we enetered into a Dance of Gratitude and Joy, and then we imagined ourselves dancing with our Beloved.
We ended with some journal writing followed by some very dynamic and inspiring sharing and discussion. In our journals, we explored, more fully, the question, What makes your heart sing? And then we completed the following sentence What I truly and deeply love about myself is....
Next week, Wed. Nov. 11 we will be focusing on the Throat Chakra and we will be exploring the healing power of the human voice. Should be a fascinating evening ... so stay tuned!
And I encourage you -- whether you are in a group or at home in your own living room, just allow your body to move and dance whenever you can.
If you want any info on Luciano's Dance of the Chakras CD -- which is wonderful for "Dancing your Chakras", contact him at 416-658-8980 or check http://www.baviaarts.com/
Until next time,
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