Welcome to the Third Eye Centre -- Ajna Chakra
This is the centre for Intuition, Inspiration, Development of Psychic Abilities and Higer Wisdom. Through this "Eye" we can see the true purpose or meaning of events in our lives. We can develop a greater degree of discrimination and, centered in the high vibration of this energy centre, we will come to live a truly inspired life.
On Wed. Nov. 18, we explored our Third Eye Centre in our ongoing Journey Through the Chakras at Britten Memorial Church. We began the class by creating an intention to attune more deeply with the messages of our inner world. To begin that process of listening more deeply, we tuned into our bodies and reflected on the question:Where, in my body or being, do I experience intuition or inner knowing? We discovered that inner knowing doesn't always present itself only in the area of the Third Eye. For some people, the sensations of inner knowing were experienced in the belly, in the Solar Plexus, in the Heart, in the Throat.
To review and energize the previous Chakras, we moved and danced to various rhythms -- Earthy Drumming for the Root; sexy, sensual, flowing Belly Dance rhythms for the Sacral Chakra; Dynamic horms of Mexican Mariachi rhythms for the Solar Plexus and for the Heart, we chanted "Listen Listen Listen to My Heart Song. The chanting helped us to transition up to the Thraot Chakra which we activated through sounding and a vocal siren exercise. (Note: I highly recommend the Book and CD by Wayne Perry -- Sound Medicine)
Then we moved into the Third Eye Centre and we began by massaging that place between the eyebrows, the forehead and the temples. Because it is necessay to relax and soften the physical eyes in order for the Third Eye to see more clearly, we did some relaxation exercies for the physical eyes. Then we entered into a guided meditation to meet that Wise Being part of

Aside -- A few years back, I did lose my physical eyesight for a period of several months and during that time, my Third Eye opened to the extent that I was able to "see" and draw on paper (despite not being able to physically see what I was drawing) many amazing images and beings. This is one that came out of that inner seeing and it is called An Infusion of Wisdom.
We ended our Third Eye meditation by journaling our insights and/or dialoguing with tha Wise Being part of ourselves.
After a brief sharing, we closed by drawing all that newly awakened energy back into ourselves. We reconnected with the Earth energy and from that Earthy place, we chanted the healing sound of Om to more fully ground ourselves and our experience.
Stay tuned as we journey up to the Crown Chakra this coming Wednesday.
In the meantime, may the messages of your inner world shine through to inspire and excite you!
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